Thursday, January 26, 2017

Short Interview with Daniel Royse, author of The Watermelon King

message 26: by B.M.B.
B.M.B. Johnson | 32 commentsMod
So, how much truth is in this book? I know from the back of your book that you're a travel writer, and the description of the trip feels like someone who has backpacked across Africa, so I assume this is a real trip. Is Ethan really your brother or was he invented as a character to play off of?

Also, I love the stories of Homer and his business -- It had an almost Christmas Story feel to them.
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message 27: by Daniel
Daniel Royse | 14 commentsHi BMB,
Actually you are right! Most of this book is a true story.

The stories about my grandfather are 100% true. They were written by my dad years ago and were the inspiration for the book.

The overarching story about the brothers traveling in East Africa is based off an actual trip that I did in 2009. The only real difference between the book and what actually happened is that I was traveling alone most of the time and the trip took longer and included more countries. So really, the novel is a condensed version of what happened.

The two main characters (Dean and Ethan) are based off two sides of my own personality. Part of me is always in search of adventure and exotic cultures whereas another part just wants to relax on a beach with a cocktail. This was to create conflict and dialog as the story progressed.

Let me know if you have any other questions,
Anyway, thanks for reading it!....I appreciate the nice comments and review!!

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